Wednesday, September 28th - H2O Racing the worldwide promoter of the UIM-FH2O World Championship, in collaboration with Injourney and the Government of Indonesia, is very pleased to confirm that the opening round of the 2023 season will be held in Indonesia.
The news that Indonesia will host a round of the world’s most celebrated international Powerboat series for the first time in the sports’ history was announced at yesterday’s press conference which was held in Jakarta, with the Grand Prix of Indonesia scheduled to take place in Toba Lake on 24-26 February.
Not only Indonesia will host for the first time a grand Prix of F1H2O but it will also be the very first time that F1H2O will run in a Volcanic Lake: more specifically a “super-volcan” as the experts call it.
Lake Toba is an extraordinary natural wonder of the world: it is an immense volcanic lake formed by a gigantic volcanic eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent calder.
This enormous crater lake consists of an island almost the size of Singapore in its center. At over 1,145 square km, and a depth of 450 meters, Lake Toba is actually more like an ocean. This is the largest lake in Southeast Asia and one of the deepest lakes in the world.
Yesterday’s press conference was attended by the Coordinating Minister of Maritime and Investment Affairs of Indonesia Mr. Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, the Minister of State Owned Enterprises of Indonesia Mr. Erick Thohir, the Minister of Public Work and Public Housing of Indonesia Mr.Mr. Basuki Hadimuljono, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Sandiaga Uno, the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia Mr Zainudin Amali, the President Director of Inijourney Mr. Doni Oskaria and Mr. Raimondo di San Germano from H2O Racing Management.
“F1H2O event in Toba Lake is a chance that must be maximally utilized by all of the stakeholders to push the growth of local economy and tourism - said Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno - and with strong collaboration from all parties, then the potency of increased economic growth in Lake Toba can reach the same level as when Indonesia organized MotoGP event in Mandalika”.
Minister Sandiaga is optimistic the F1H2O event will go successfully.
“The appointment of Lake Toba as the location for the F1H2O race shows the world that Indonesia has the capability and infrastructure to hold world racing competitions. In addition, Lake Toba is also one of the Super Priority Tourism Destinations (DPSP) in Indonesia that requires greater exposure at the national and international levels” -Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, explained
Luhut also explained that by organizing international-class events such has proven to successfully promote tourism destinations and provide great economic benefits for the areas where the tourist destinations are located. By holding F1H2O at Lake Toba, Luhut hopes that the economy and tourism in the surrounding area can grow and can generate a positive impact on the community.
The Ministry of Youth and Sports fully supports the F1H2O competition which will be held in 2023 at Lake Toba. Minister Zainudin Amali said that the F1H2O competition is a world-class sporting event that is not only useful for helping to develop the national sports sector, but also has a role in increasing networking, participation and cooperation in the field of youth and sports in Indonesia at the international level.
Minister of SOE Erick Thohir explained that the F1H2O event will increase traffic in North Sumatra, especially in Balige. "The F1H2O event in Lake Toba is predicted to attract around 140 million impressions through digital media (including social media and broadcasting). Therefore, the government requests the support of the Indonesian people and the people around Lake Toba so that the F1H2O event can run successfully," said Erick.
Deputy Minister II of SOE Kartika Wirjoatmojo is optimistic that the F1H2O event can bring Indonesia's name in the international arena as well as introduce the beauty of Lake Toba as one of the super priority tourism destinations. This event can also be one of the driving forces of the regional and national economy in the post-covid phase, as well as spurring so many business opportunities and employment opportunities. "This is a big responsibility, and SOEs are ready to support the smooth running of this event. In the future, Injourney will also continue to organize events both nationally and internationally that have been well curated in the Injourney Calendar of Events," explained Kartika.
Another important preparation is the infrastructure to support the F1H2O event, including facilities to increase the attractiveness of tourists who will visit and witness this world-class event. In this regard, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimulyono revealed that his staff had prepared and built infrastructure around Lake Toba. Some of these infrastructures include the area around the Balige Port and Sisingamangaraja Field which will be built as a special area for the implementation of F1H2O with the concept of a waterfront area for water sports.
As a local organizer for F1H2O championship, PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia or known as Injourney stipulated that it’s ready to organize the event. President Director of Injourney Dony Oskaria said “The F1H2O event is an honor as well as a big responsibility that will be carried with maximum effort so it can run successfull”.
“We are extremely happy to add Indonesia to the F1H2O World Championship calendar for the years to come – said Raimondo di San Germano, H2O Management - Becoming the 40th country to host H2O Racing events is showing our commitment to further expand our sport worldwide. We share with the local Authorities and central government the same values and goals in terms of promoting International tourism through sport. Indonesia confirms its status of a major player on a global scale and F1H2O will contribute with enthusiasm to its outstanding growth.”
After the success of the Grand Prix of Moto GP in Mandalika with the upcoming Grand Prix of F1H2O Indonesia is more and more at the center of Motor Sport.